
Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm so flattered!!

I've gotten a few awards lately and I'm incredibly flattered! I'm not sure I feel like I deserve them all, but I am very grateful.

Thank you to Carla, Haley, Dawn and Margo for the Lovely Blog award!

And to Melanie for the Lemonade award!

I promise that I will pass these awards on to others as soon as I can. There are many ladies who are so much more talented than I who definitely deserve these.
Now that it's after 11pm, I'd better head for bed. I'll be falling asleep with a smile on my face. Thank you again!!

It's your last chance!

Tomorrow is your last chance to take advantage of the June Deal-a-Day campaign. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a Goodie Box! Don't delay. Click here to order it until Wednesday at 10am.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Unique Card Workshop the Second...and Third

My customers were so pumped about my unique card workshop, but so many couldn't come on Saturday so I'm hosting again! You can come, too.
We'll be making the cards pictured below on Friday, July 17 and Saturday, July 18 at 7pm both days. Cost is $18. If you'd like to participate you'll need to let me know by Saturday, July 4. I've already got 4 signed up for Saturday, so don't wait until the 4th to reserve your spot!

Happy Creating!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

That's what it feels like today, except I'm also playing catch-up. I was called for a Jury Selection panel yesterday. It was a very long day, with lots of sitting and listening to the same things over and over and over. But I'm thankful that I wasn't selected and I didn't even have to get out of my seat to answer any questions. I must admit that it was a bit interesting to see how this process is done, but it did get old after a little while. Now that it's over, I can get back to business. If you're reading this and have offered to host a gathering in the last little while, I'll be giving you a call soon. I didn't want to book anything for fear of being selected and having no time to prep!

Enough about that. I wanted to share with you one of my favourite projects to date. This is the cube I taught at a workshop on Friday and everyone really loved it. I kept hearing over and over, "I really like this." or "I'm so glad I came." That made me smile. In fact just watching them put it together made me smile.
Here it is!

I hope you like it as much as I do. I still haven't completely decided if this is what I'll be giving my dear hubby for Father's Day. If I do, I'll have to go searching for some great photos to put on it. I guess I'd better decide soon!

Oh, one more thing. I also wanted to share my new favourite photo of my two kids. It was taken from our kitchen window while they played in the backyard.

I love having a camera with 12x optical zoom and I can't wait to scrapbook this photo! I might just enlarge it to 5x7 or even 8x10. I'll be sure to post a photo of the completed page.

Now I'm off to fold some more laundry!
Happy Creating!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

May Challenge Winner

I've finally decided on the winner of my May challenge. It's Nellie at I love how she created her tree. Go check it out! Nellie wins the card I created as an example for the challenge. Just email me your mailing address. Congratulations, Nellie!

If you would like to have some fun, join in this month's challenge, which is in honour of my card workshop. See the post below.

Wow, I got an award!

I got an award from Brae at!
I'm so flattered. Thanks so much!

I wish I had time right now to follow all the rules and give this award to other bloggers. I'll try to do so in the near future.

Thanks again Brae.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Next Card Workshop, June's Challenge ... It's all unique!

Here it is, the photo of my workshop cards. If you're on my mailing list you got this in your Inbox this evening. I thought I'd share here, too!
For $18 you can make all five of these cards and get a full package of Sparkles as well. Come to my place on Saturday, June 27th at 2pm for some fun. Space is limited, so make sure to sign up before the RSVP date (Saturday, June 13) to reserve your seat.

You're probably waiting for June's challenge. I'm going to make it an easy one. Just make a unique card, like one of the ones shown above. No standard sizes, at least without anything different on it. For example, the criss cross and waterfall cards above are standard size, but there's nothing standard about them.
Just post a link to your card in the comments. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

I'll post May's winner in a few days.

Happy Creating!