
Saturday, October 31, 2009

November SOTM Blog Hop List

I will be participating in the Stamp-of-the-Month blog hop again this month.  There are lots of fabulous consultants in the hop and I wanted to make sure you would be able to find them all if you got lost on the hop.  So here is a list of all the blogs participating.  Come back tomorrow morning (2am even!) to check out my project and everyone else's awesome work.

Jena DeVries
Helen Onulak
Carla Ironside
Cindy Leek
Laurie Levnik
Krista Ritskes You are here.
Kathleen Androlewicz
Paige Dolecki
Shannon Pelletier
Jody Gustafson
Laura Dame
Terrie Dodd
Lori Brown
Cibele Glazer
Caren Goldsein
Traci Godbee
Dawn Ross
Maricar Harris
Jamia Bankhead
Laurie Newton
Nona Davenport
Tanya David
Sheila Bennett
Melissa Laverty
Amy Edwards
Lori Leng
Kristie Herdener
Jill Lucas
Adeline E. Brill
Michelle Nist
Dawn Heuft
Jessica Booth
Susan Brooks
Sarita Schraeder
Katy Donaldson
Mary Eisen
Deb Young
Haley Dyer
Kimberly Smith
Barbra Otten
Tammy Lea Pinchard
Nancy Brown
Karen Norman
Judy Burger
Sylvia Jacquot
Brae Montgomery
Pamela O'Connor
Antoinette Herrin
Debra Van Patten
Jen Patrick
Wendy Kessler
Beth Naumann
Misty Jackson
Brenda Harmless
Amy McVey
Linda Shewchuk
Chris Shouse
Pam Klassen
Michelle Bourlet
Jen Rubio
Wanda Riley
Lori Miller
Carol Taggio
Tracy Oleksak

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Next Club Layout!

I'm having a lot of fun with my new club.  We'll be meeting again on November 6 to make another 2-page layout.  My group chose to make a Halloween layout, which proved to be a challenge for me.  I don't have any Halloween stamp sets.  We, at CTMH, don't have any Halloween-themed paper right now, either.  So I went to my consultant sisters for help and using their fabulous suggestions, this is the layout I came up with.

I went to past Workshop-on-the-Go brochures for some inspiration on the pattern.  This one uses the Back Country one.  The white daisy spots are for 4x6 photos.  Since Halloween hasn't come yet, I don't have photos to put in their place and no journaling to write for the bottom left section, but I will do those before Club Night.  Now that'll be fast scrapbooking!  A first for me; I'm usually at least a year behind.  I will post this layout when it's completed, with more detailed photos.  In the meantime I still have to find a costume for Nathaniel and a few more pieces for Arianna's Moe (from Veggie Tales, Larry the Cucumber dressed up as the Lone Ranger) costume.

Happy Creating!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Snuggles With My Favourite Boy

I'm sure you all have wonderful and specific memories of each of your children, or friends, or other family members.  I'm going to share one of mine.  It's not just a memory since it still happens, almost every day, but it was important enough for me to make sure to capture it.  It is something I will remember forever about me and my favourite boy.  (I can say "favourite" since he's my only son.)

Every nap time that I am home for, which is pretty much every one, Nathaniel and I snuggle in the rocking chair.  He must have his soother, receiving blanket, and be wrapped in a cozy quilt or blanket.  Then we rock and I sing to him, usually Away in a Manger, but today he wanted Jesus Loves Me.  He often falls asleep as I sing, although that seems to be changing a bit lately.  It is one of my favourite times of the day and I miss it when I'm not home for it.  It only really happens at nap time.  Bed time snuggles are different.  I had to create a layout because this is such a special time for me and my boy.

I love this new paper pack.  It is Twitterpated, of course.  The stamp set and layout are all from the workshop kit, which I can still order for you if you're interested.  The title has been stamped with Chocolate Alpha small.  The chipboard buttons are from our new Dimensional Elements in Colour: Organic.  I also used some Natural Hemp.  The ribbon you see, Chocolate Ribbon Rounds, also comes in the kit, but you can purchase it separately.  There's Liquid Glass on all the little chocolate dots on the sorbet paper and brads, from our new Basic collection, in lots of places.  Here are some more photos, of each page and then some close-ups of the details. 

You've probably noticed that not all my photos are in colour.  I decided to down play the colours so that they wouldn't be too overwhelming.  I wanted to leave one in colour so settled on the small photo on the right page.  The rest are in sepia to give that warm feeling, although in these photos they look closer to black and white.
So does this layout make you want to snuggle under a warm quilt with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and a book?  It makes me want to give my sweetie a big hug, and since he's just waking up from his nap, I'm going to do just that.
As we celebrated Thanksgiving this weekend, I am reminded again how grateful I am for my kids.  Now I'm off to give those hugs.

Happy Creating!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October's Challenge, A Nice Easy One.

Since I didn't get much of a response from my last "monochromatic" challenge I'm guessing it was just too difficult.  So now I've got a real easy one for you.  Make a Christmas card or layout.  No, that's not all there is.  That would be too easy!  The challenge is to make a non-traditional Christmas card or layout.  What exactly falls into traditional?  No red or green or the usual images such as Christmas trees, gifts, snowmen, nativity or stars.  But if you think of a more traditional image that I have not listed here, it's fair game.  Yup, there's still lots of wiggle room in this one. 
I've got lots of creating to do for upcoming gatherings and workshops so I'm not sure when I'll get around to posting an example.  I'll try to do it as soon as I can.  In the meantime, have fun!

Happy Creating!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October Stamp-of-the-Month Blog Hop!

I am so excited to be able to participate in the blog hop this time!  If you've never hopped before it's super easy, just click on the link at the end of the post on each blog to move to the next one! When you get back here, you will have seen 20 projects made with this stamp set, called Holiday Warmth.  Here we go!

Here's my card:

and the inside:

I used our new Jingle Level 2 paper, White Daisy buttons with Black waxy flax,  Tulip and Juniper ink and a blending pen to colour in the centre image and the bows on the inside.  I edged the squares with Tulip and popped the centre one with 3-D foam tape.  The pattern, taken from Wishes, is called All Stacked Up, on page 59.
Not sure how to get this stamp set?  You could get it for free depending on the rest of your order.  Take a look at my website for more information.  Just click on the first thumbnail on the right.

Now "Hop" on over to Katy Donaldson's blog to see her work!
If you get lost on the hop or find links that aren't working, click here for a complete list of participating blogs, including two other hops.  Have fun.

Happy Creating!